Saturday, June 29, 2013

Top Eight Reasons why people get Asthma

         Now a days people often get asthma, its a kind of respiratory Airway disease, this condition put people into struggle to manage day to day life, it can be caused by loss of immunity power thus causing allergy and more sensitive of respiratory airways, if any stimulants or foreign bodies enters(air pollution), may causes airway to constrict and disturbs air to move in this condition, there are many reasons why do people get asthma, its better to know to prevent before it comes.

1.Allergens from Pets (Epidermal allergens) :
    There are pet animals at almost every home, for protection , for entertainment, Even there is many reasons to have a pet there are multiple complications presents which can affect our health and also may lead to life threatening issues. skin, hair, urine, poops of animals gets mixed with air at home like a small pieces which changes like stimulants, who has the sensitive and allergy while they breath these contents leads to asthma.

2.Cotton plants :
    Most of the cloths made from the cotton plants, Custard plant. When this plants are properly used on dresses,it use to come out when dried after washing, and also comes out by air while wearing, woolen dresses are sweaters also do the same thing when wearing, when allergy or sensitive person inhales or breaths in, it causes stimulation to the airway reception thus causing severe cough, leads to Asthma.

3.Vegetable gums:
    Plants like Garaya, Agasia and Tragaganth has the gum like element which often changes allergic properties on air like permanent wave set lotions, when this enters respiratory tract who has allergy leads to Asthma, chronic cough and sever irritation to the respiratory system.

    Nowadays there is no plant grown without insecticides, even people wear protective products when its mixing with air travels all over, when inhaled by the person who has allergy causes more respiratory irritation and sever cough , asthma. Dried flower from the plant Chrysanthemums used as insecticides (pyre-thrum), particularly this creates aeroallegens which causes more allergic reactions on humans

5.Climate changes:
      This is the main reason people often get asthma and allergic reactions, when humidity increases in air, it contains water particles in it which caused by the climate, it creates asthma to the sensitive person, even too dry air can cause more irritation and lead to asthma, the wind before rain these kinds also causes asthma to the hypersensitive individuals.

6.Air pollution:
      Air pollution is mainly caused by humans, there was no asthma kind of disease in ancient period, this is because of increasing industries and factories mainly, science improves the humans life also causes more diseases and reduces lifespan, we are happy that scientists are trying to jump from planet to planet, but what happens when we consider of human health, the industrial pollution's and smog which comes from factories also from the vehicles which mingles with air, causes asthma to the hypersensitive individuals.

7. Carbon monoxide gas:
      In the places where highest traffic persist, the maximum range of carbon monoxide is 220 PPM, the people who are healthy even though they couldn't feel any ill immediately , the day after some times they feel the irritation in the throat, persistent cough, nasal irritation, eye infection irritation.

8.Particulate matters:
      Other waste products from factories like fog, mist, dust, smoke, soot also can cause issues which is mentioned above.

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Lose Weight Within a Week Through Swimming

                 Even though there are many exercises techniques and lots of people does many way to lose weight, Swimming is best known exercise to lose weight since ancient times, The one and only exercise which involves all kinds of muscles in our body to workout is swimming The good news is
                     "once you learn how to swim, you will never forget it".
     Losing weight is actually depends on how much activity you put through body, being keen concentration is must to gain good result, daily an hour swimming get you this result

How I am saying, what is the mechanism ?
         Basically when we do exercises on surface unlike swimming , like running, weight training, our weight put on joints, and makes trouble, but swimming on water, basically water holds and supports body weight, it also gives better workout by causing resistance when we swim through water, usually swimmers try to move fast, if strokes are created on water surface can be moved fast easily.

There are host of health benefits of Swimming:

1.swimming is not only a sport and art, its a good exercise for health,800 calories gets burned for one hours swimming,

2. If possible daily an hour swimming will reduce waste and loose muscle in a tremendous way, swimming can reduce body weight and increases endurance of lungs,

3.while swimming since all muscles are involved mainly hand, and thigh muscles will get stronger ever

4. Get rid of loss of appetite, and swimming increases appetite to the peak which you cant be control, it relieves all kinds of body ache immediately

5.Improves blood circulation all over the body, thus improves the circulation and function of all organs

6.Breath holding during swimming increases the vital capacity of the lung and its function, body gets shining like sculpture and also brings stamina to do much work,

7.Relieves depression and gives you good confident from under-self esteem, gives you new freshness upon life

8.Its being the major first aid skill also for self protection

9.Swimming keeps you healthy and beautiful

10.At a time swimming makes workout with aerobic and anaerobic, means gives workout to the heart and muscles,

At least weekly six times swimming is good for health to live longer without any disease, thirty to fourty minutes is best per time, children is better to learn when they study at school.

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Top ten health benefits of Pomegranate

    Pomegranate has vast range of health benefits, thus often called Nature's Power Fruit. Fruit itself has  attractive color and delicious which makes water in tongue, Pomegranate is been kept in a special place at ancient Egypt, it was the symbol of prosperity and ambition. it also occupied great place in Greek, It is best known remedy in Indian Ayurveda medicine against diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal parasites, not only the fruit also leaf, fruit rind, seeds, dried bark, stem and root has host of health benefits.

     Pomegranate has lot of vitamins and minerals, has calcium which is helpful in increasing bone density, and iron, thus preventing from diseases

1.Improves Immunity and Prevent cancer:
Prevents from infection by increasing body immunity , As it contains anti-oxidants which is very helpful in preventing cancer, mainly breast cancer, also gives better skin health to be young and glowing skin, also lowers your age by ten years if consumed daily

2.Get healthy heart:
Gives protection to heart by increasing circulation flow and prevents blood clots occludes blood vessels which supplies oxygen to the heart muscles,

3.Improves brain function:
Improves brain function by protecting small capillaries of brain from waste plaque which stops blood and oxygen supply to the brain,

4.Prevents Gall stones:
Prevents and cures from gall bladder stones , which may cause severe stomach pain initially which never  cures unless operating the stone out
       Who can say this is painting ? amazing Art girl with Pomegranate 

5.Hydrates body:
Pomegranate has the great effect of hydrating body organs, mainly summer time body has to bear and neutralize body temperature, during this season pomegranate helps keenly by increasing fluid level in the body

6.Stops constipation:
This is best medicine for piles, prevents and cures constipation if consumed as whole fruit by delivering lot of fibers into the body

7.Improve digestion:
Improves digestion for adults and children, increases the water level in the body of kids thus keeps active all the day

8.Cures severe cough:
Dried flower petals made as powder can be consumed with honey, taking one table spoon a day can cure severe or chronic cough, fever gets reduced body gets chillness

9.Gain weight:
who lost weight in long standing hospital admision and who are weak and lean can consume pomegranate to gain weight and strength, Diabetes patients can consume pomegranate, but should consume little to prevent increased sugar level in blood stream

10. Better sex:
It gives more strength to who has impotence, and produces more sperm and blood to the body

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Why Gym ??

           People come with many purposes to gym, younger’s use to come with ambition to become like particular actors they got admired by,  some people come in the willing to reduce their weight to get a better self esteem, some people use to come to have a relaxation time from their tight work schedule and pressure, whatever it is! This is actually good habit to go to gym regularly, but the above said people may stop coming to gym at certain point of time, still there are people to do exercise regularly like their daily doings, and there are certain benefits to go to gym and workout regularly with proper training.
      Basically exercise improves physical skill and also mental health to finish given difficult task; there is wide   range of health benefits of going to gym. It is important for maintain physical fitness which increases muscle strength, and stamina. Exercise reduces the cortisol hormone level in the body which causes many problems to physical and mental health, it’s better not to be lazy because reduced physical activity contributes to 17% of heart diseases and diabetes, So doing physical exercise can prevent these things also it prevents high BP, Obesity syndrome, insomnia and depression.
     Doing exercise can’t be beneficial to everyone, some may get it or may not get at all, it’s also depends genetic variations, some people say that whatever you do at gym it only by your gene coding, it’s not true! Actually we can contribute new coding of physic to our gene, so doing workout in a proper way may give good results according to the effort.

Boost up your immune system and stamina,
       There any many diseases spreads all over the population, doing physical exercise can contribute better immune system, my gym master is actually above sixty years old gentleman, he use to workout daily also he workouts when he get a high grade fever or any kind of temporary illness, he never goes to hospital except physical workout, he is the inspiration to all youngsters, so exercise boosts up immune system to fight with organism which creates inflammation, but high intensity trainers like marathon are more prone to infection and inflammation, but taking vitamin c supplements are helpful for them, so exercise surely provides anti-inflammatory effect to body.

Get a healthy heart
       I think we need to learn a lot from heart, because it works all the time for us without any expectations, there are arteries names coronary arteries which supplies oxygen to the heart muscles to get energy to work, when excess of body unwanted fat accumulates it passes through the blood and occludes artery and causes cessation of oxygen supply to the heart which may lead to heart attack or arrest, so exercise improves blood flow through washing and burning all the bad fats, also exercise induces heart muscles to get a strength and gets thickening, by doing so it prevent life threatening disease like ischemic heart disease and heart attack.

Be intelligent
        Being intelligent is the tough now days, because we kept our brain in a cold storage! We think that we going to use it in a future, being lazy makes our brain not to work, physical activity, regular workouts improves circulation and blood flow to get a good oxygen supply to the brain tissues, it enhances the performance of the brain to be active all the day

Be happy
        Loneliness is the notable cause of depression to most of the people, depression is nothing but it’s a kind of low self esteem and stress of not doing something according to willing; now a day’s depression affects every human even at a smallest age, people get under self esteem by their physical appearance mainly, doing daily workout increases self esteem to the peak by getting fitness and attractive physical appearance, some people get over confident and don’t care about others who are always love to be with them, actually this is not a right way to be, even if you get a boosted confident level by doing workouts, you need to be good to everyone and has to be responsible to every kind.

Sleep well
        People don’t sleep when they are too happy and also when they are too sad, these two things affects all human kinds regularly, but there are people who sleeps nicely whatever happens, I couldn't understand what mechanism is going on with them, but I can tell sure that who does physical activity daily gets a peaceful sleep daily, because working out make you tired and muscle needs rest to recover which stimulates brain to fall you asleep, it prevents insomnia and cures insomnia and sleep deprivation, daily workout without proper rest is nothing but waste of time and killing yourself, because over training induces to the serious life threatening issues to our body. taking at least eight hours sleep is the best to recover damaged or tiered muscle tissues.

         Even exercise has this much positive health effect doing excessive or vigorous exercise causes many damages to health, also leads to life threatening situations, beginners should slowly increase their time and weight day by day according to the trainer, Nutrition is important to achieve proper function of all organs of the body, it’s more important during workouts.

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Top health benefits of Red Wine


 Health benefits
       Since 2200 BC wine has been used by Egyptians for its medicinal purposes, its also called man-made medicine, it used as a part of healthy diet and disinfectant for wounds, in the middle period people opposed of wine and researchers said that wine has no net health benefits,but the latest issue is the moderate wine drinkers has less mortality rate compared to non-drinkers and teetotalers, a glass of 150 ml per day for woman a two glasses of wine per day for men is called moderate
  Resveratol is the compound which is found in the skin of black grapes, it has the huge health benefits which attracted the researchers,

Makes your bone strong
   Moderate drinking of wine in a regular basis increases the bone mineral density, since many studies have proven this, the chronic drinker has a opposite health effect on bones, which affects the cellular processes of the bone and it may lead to spontaneous fractures,

Makes healthy heart
   Drinking wine in a moderate way improves the balance between LDL
(low density lipo-protein) and HDL (High density lipo-protein), wine washes out the LDL which stops oxygen supply to the heart muscles by occluding arteries with clots which is the main cause of heart attack, studies have shown that heavy drinkers have the greater risk of heart attacks and fat accumulation.

Reduces the risk of diabetes
   Moderate wine drinkers has a good health impact of preventing type2 diabetes, wine has the effect to balance the sugar level in the body if consumed with the food

Removes gall stones
  wine has the disinfectant effect, so it removes the bacteria from the stomach which causes gastritis and peptic ulcer and sterilizes it, helps in digestion. wine helps to digest cholesterol which gets accumulated and form as gall stones if left, so moderate drinkers has a positive effect on gall bladder and digestion

Makes clear vision
  The anti-oxidant and anti-coagulant factors of wine improves the circulation to eye, also reduces the risk of lacunar degeneration vision lose to the age.

Helps in weight management
  When alcohol consumed with food, it increases the stomach emptying time and helps in reducing the food intake, compared with other drinks wine has the lowest calorie level

Improves IQ power
   A study done with a beer drinker, beer and wine drinker and wine drinkers, they are all given a IQ test the moderate wine drinking men and woman performed well and scored much, also they have a good psychological and social status

Reduces the risk of memory loss
   Moderate wine drinkers has the lowest risk of dementia and Alchemiers disease, comparatively chronic alcohol drinkers has the highest risk of dementia and memory loss also it affects the behavior

Prevents cancer
  The anti-oxidant properties of Resveratol which found in grapes has the power of inhibiting cancerous changes in cells, its better for female to consume wine in a moderate level to get rid of lung, prostate and ovarian cancers, studies have shown that wine prevents some esophageal carcinoma also, drinking a glass of wine a day has the reduced risk of cancer by 56%, people who drink leading a healthier lifestyles with consuming low fats, fruits and vegetables.

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Why Road Traffic Accidents are increased nowadays? how to escape ?

       There are 3400 people die everyday on road, and tens of millions of people injured every year, and the injured people never return home as they were, they become handicapped,coma, brain dead, multi-organ failure, what about the kind hearts who are waiting out of ICU with "hope on doctors and on God", most of the Patient's age is under 40 years,There are poor people who are not affordable of treating in a good corporate hospital for better care, we go for the glance why it occurs and how to prevent

The common causes of RTA

I) primary reason is not following the traffic rules
II) drunk and drive
III) Damaged pathways or roads
IV) Increasing population
V) poor politics
VI) Sudden stroke or heart attack to driver
VII) Over speed
VIII) Inexperienced driving
IX) Without Self Protectives (seat belts, helmet)

What should do for first aid immediately after accident
      If accident occurs while you travel with some people or to other people on road, you can help the people to keep alive till ambulance arrives,

Be safe, your safety is more important than the people who are injured, so check for dangers around you, signal to the vehicles on the road to stop them, get help from bystanders and lift the patient to the safest place from the road and resuscitate

Check for how many people got injured, to inform to the ambulance service you need to know this, also confirm where you are accurately to inform the exact place to ambulance to arrive,
Call ambulance Tell this step wise to them
1.Where are you
2.what has happened (describe the accident)
3.How any people are injured
4.Tell whether the people are bleeding and breathing

Call ambulance  It is important to have medical support when the people get injured, so call ambulance immediately (108 in India)

If many people are injured, check who are bleeding much and unconscious , because people who are awake they are actually out of risk to life, concentrate more on the people who are unconscious

There is more bleeding, there is more chance to die, so stop bleeding by giving pressure on the site, if bleeding is on anterior part make then lie down in a supine position

Then check for pulse by checking it on carotid artery on neck( between trachea and sternocleidomastoid muscle), if you are novice keep your ear on the center portion of the chest of the patient and hear heart beat for 10 seconds, if there is no sound or there is no pulse start compression on mid chest to circulate the blood to brain and all over the body, continue it till ambulance arrives

How to escape from Road accident:

    Its better to prevent or escape from Road accidents because it causes more deaths and expenses, the cost of these accidents Rs.550 crores or 12.5 billion dollars every year,

Obey traffic rules, It is kept for your safe journey, so obey traffic rules, keep 10 meter distance from other vehicle and show appropriate signals during turn

Go slow (FOOLS SPEED), Keep your vehicle under your control, even speed thrills, speed kills so its better to be careful, Mainly go slow on specific places like schools, hospitals, markets, rural area, hill places.

Wear self protections , Road accidents mainly causes severe head injury, so its better to wear helmet while you travel, and wear seat belts to prevent more injuries

Check vehicle before drive, It is important to check your vehicles break and other parts before you travel,

Political,  Road has to be good to prevent accidents, it should be taking care by politicians and government officers, if road exist damaged inform to your local concern fellow to take further action

Read caution sign, Its important to notice caution signs to prevent the areas more prone of accidents

Do not drunk and drive, This is most commonest cause of RTA, so its better to stay healthy for long, drunk and drive causes more dangers to the society also

Most of these all is, you should be careful while you drive by concentrating only on driving, because there are people waiting for you at home, so have a safe journey :)

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What happens when you don't sleep at night ? How to get rid of Sleep Deprivation?

               Its called sleep deprivation when subject don't have adequate sleep(mainly night time), As there are many causes (reasons) of sleep deprivation, It makes bags under your eyes

I) The excessive feel of loneliness will disturb the subject psychologically and makes not to sleep at right time followed by worrying
II) Depressed or Stress by some situation or abnormal changes in subjects body can make SD
III) Parties at night for entertainment or celebration can make the subject not to sleep, it may happen occasionally or frequently
IV) Eating large quantity of food with excess oil (Fast food) can make trouble in digestion and cause subject not to sleep (mostly it causes temporary problems)
V) Horrible dreams of situation which related to subjects life can threaten and makes to wake up suddenly 
VI) Drinking liquor can cause SD by chemical changes in subjects body
VII) Night shift or night duty is unpreventable cause of sleep deprivation with causes more unexpected trouble to the subject

Effects of Sleep Deprivation        

       More exhaustion of  body will never make subject to sleep , there are difference between feeling exhausted and feeling sleepy, so don't try to put yourself at more exhaustion

I) Type 2 diabetes : 
More restriction to sleep makes body to impaired glucose tolerance, puts subject into type 2 diabetes which also called non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, there are no age difference in getting this.

II)affects brain function:
Sleep deprivation can adversely affect the brain function , slow performance of finishing the given task compared with non-SD subjects, makes memory performance to less by affecting temporal lobe (which controls visual memories, comprehending language and deriving meanings)  and parietal lobe (which controls sensation of objects) of brain, causes serious conditions like cardiac diseases, psychosis, and bipolar disorder, causes rapid eye moment during sleep which disturbs the neurotransmitters and makes restless of their receptors causing poor concentration.

III) Affects muscle growth:
Sleep deprivation also have serious effects on muscle and body growth, its by suppressing or reducing the growth hormones, after workout there should be some pause of resting time to repair teared muscles, sleep deprivations makes cessation to muscle repair process, cortisol (anti-stress and anti-inflammatory hormone), is the healing hormone to heal damaged or wounded part of the body, SD reduces these kind of healing hormone and stops the healing process and makes subject to feel more pain after and during workout also affects immune system response

V)More prone to gain weight:
Prolonged sleep deprivation may increase the food intake level also increases the energy usage which leads to weight gain, there are more prone to lead obesity syndrome while subject not sleeps adequately, increased chance of obesity hypo ventilation (OHA) and snoring which makes body to retain carbon dioxide this is by disrupting hormones which regulates glucose level and appetite of body
IV) Memory loss:
Sleep deprivation makes subject to loss temporarily compared to non-SD peoples, students who studying for exam when they study overnight without sleep or reduced sleep may lead to loss of memory power and makes them to forget  during examination what they have studied and leads to missing the sentence while writing the answers,

How to sleep peacefully overnight ?

      As we discussed causes of sleep derivation earlier here are the list given below to sleep peacefully overnight and lead a healthier life

I) Go to gym and workout: Exercising is the solution to sleep without disturbance, because when your muscle gets fatigue during workout and it automatically leads to cure the tiresomeness of body which leads to sleep, workout in a regular basis will promote will power also clears most of the psychological issues which leads to the positive gratitude

II) Try to stop smoking weed and drinking liquor: Smoking also causes sleep deprivation like liquor, there is no way get rid of sleep deprivation unless you stop smoking and drinking , thinking about past and worrying will never lead your life to the next level, its upon you,

III) listen to good music: Music may turn your concentration on a particular point, so when you hear songs like melody can easily induce subject to fall asleep , (e.g Classical guitar instrumental)

IV)Meditation like yoga can help you to relax yourself psychologically and makes you cool to relieve all kind of worries  to fall asleep

V) Change your routine to which you are interested in because "health is wealth", what you gonna achieve by compromising your health, there is no solution to get rid of night shift except changing your job, but i know its difficult

VI)Avoid parties and functions frequently by scheduling your sleeping plan, after scheduling it never turn back better stick to it.

VII) go for pills : Human body has the power of regulation according to your daily tasks, so go for sleeping pills for one or two nights, when you practicing sleeping at right time according to your schedule automatically your body induces you to fall asleep when you don't take pills on third day, but never get addicted to it, government strictly restricted to sell sleeping pills outside of hospitals but there is a way...

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