Friday, May 31, 2013

How to lose Excess of body fat easily


          There are two options given below to lose your weight, one is dieting and exercising to burn excess fat, and artificial surgical procedure of fat removal (liposuction).

Natural techniques:-
         "First impression is the best impression", people get impressed instantly by your appearance.
there is no way to reduce a fat in a specific part of body in a natural technique,

"Eat when you famish" Eat less,

Stop full meals :-
          Eat small meals frequently, instead of eating full meals three times a day, eat 6 times half a stomach, it prevents accumulation of waste fat and improves metabolism.

Go to gym:-
          Go to gym where equipment available for both cardio and weight lifting, you start warming your body by doing cardio (skipping, sit ups, running, swimming)to burn excess fat evenly all over the body, train each muscles of your body according to your trainer

Sleep well :-
         There are many studies proven that people who did interval training lost more weight than people workouts for a longer time, during workout your muscles get teared, take adequate sleep more than 6 hours to get it repaired back to normal.

Don't skip breakfast:- 
        When you don't eat breakfast even your body starts using excess fat as energy source, empty stomach with lot of acids (Hcl) makes stomach tissues get ruptured leads to ulcer and soon converting it cancer cells,
eat low calorie lean protein for breakfast
I) Oats is the best choice for breakfast
II) combined different fruit
III) Boiled egg white with wheat bread

Gain lean body mass :-
          Lift more weights, when you have lot of muscles you can burn lot of body fat, mainly bench press workout with heavy weights workout core muscles of your body,"there is no pain there is no gain"

Hydrate yourself:-
            Per day a person should drink at least 2-3 liters of fluids (tea, fruits, juice, water). eat banana or apple which are the fruits rich in sodium and potassium to compensate which you lose through sweating during workout,

Reduce stress:- 
           Stress causes accumulation of more body fat, there are many ways to get rid off stress like meditating, yoga etc.. the better option is to spend time with people you like the most in the way of entertaining to relieve out of stress..
          "Its not hardest in this world to reduce weight through natural techniques yet its not easy either needs dedication, time, patience and practice"

Artificial technique (Liposuction)

         It is suction assisted fat removal operation that removes fat from many parts of the human body, physician who is doing procedure and patient discuss before operation and make decision, mainly fat accumulation presents in abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, back of the arms and elsewhere.

Who ?
        Not everyone can be eligible for liposuction, its not alternate method dieting and exercising, should be more than 18 with good health condition, shouldn't have specific diseases (diabetes, any infection and circulation problems).

How ?
        The technique of suction assisted liposuction is done after infusing or injecting lot of fluids subcutaneously through cannulas or insights, then by using higher-vacuum suction gives a better results, removal of very large volume of fat can be complex and life threatening by excess bleeding

         There are no notable benefits from liposuction comparatively with weight loss through dieting and exercising, but it reduces the bloodstream triglycerides but it doesn't help in obesity related metabolic disorders

side effects:-
   a) Bruising
   b) Swelling (automatically subsides)
   c) Scars (may take long period to heal)
   d) Pain (temporarily controlled by medications)
   e) Numbness (for few weeks)

Cost of procedure:-
         Mentioned here is average price only varies according to the institution
Each part Fat removal India Rs.5000 to 10000; in US $200
whole body fat remove India Rs. 80,000 to 100,000; in US $2000 to $5000

           Latest liposuction technique gives better outcome to lead normal life for obese patients

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Top ten health benefits of guava

       Guava is known as "super fruit" for its extraordinary nutritional contents, guava has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous and anti-bacterial contents, and it can be used instead of antibiotics for certain bacterial infection and diarrhea.

I) Helps body to get essential nutrients:
                Guava contains vitamin C, B, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and iron which is essential to human body, also guava has manganese which is useful in absorbing key nutrients like biotin, thiamine, and ascorbic acid.

II) Helps children’s for growth:
                It’s helping children’s and adults for the growth of muscles, also calcium helps in bone health, high content of manganese helps in relaxing muscles and nerves.

III) Makes healthy brain:
                Mainly the B group of vitamins helps in brain function; Guavas contain rich in vitamin B2 and B3. Vitamin B3 also known as niacin stimulates brain function and promotes blood flow, and vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is an important nutrient for brain and nerve function, daily consumption on one guava improves the regulation of body temperature

IV) Improves digestion:
                Regular consumption of guava relieves you from constipation, as guava is the rich in fiber it helps in digestion and clears intestine, and keeps it clean.

V) Helps to maintain normal sugar level:
                Guava helps to maintain normal sugar level for diabetic patients, also helps to get rid of piles, it’s not good to eat guava before food, can consume after food

VI) Improves skin beauty:
                As guava contains rich in vitamin-C more than orange, vitamin-E is the best source of anti-oxidant, it clears free radicals away and makes skin cells to glow, also it prevents cancer causing cells, skin of guava is rich in nutrients, so it’s better not to peel off the skin and consume

VII) Maintains normal blood pressure:
                Guava is rich source of potassium and sodium, potassium works as the regulator of maintaining normal blood pressure by reversing the role of sodium, sodium is the source of energy generator, Shouldn’t be consumed at night times it as it may create abdomen pain

VIII) Delicious to children’s:
                The children’s who do not like consuming guava, make it as pan cake by removing all the seeds from guava and grind all its flesh then mix with honey and sugar make it a pan cake, as it looks delicious children’s are mostly use to like it

IX) Improves the function of thyroid gland:
                Guava is the good source of copper, it helps in thyroid hormone production and metabolism, but guava doesn’t contain iodine.

X) Improves the eyesight:
               Guava is rich in Vitamin-A which helps in good eyesight, also prevents eye diseases and loses of sight; guava shouldn’t be consumed who have asthma.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Do you drink tea ?

     Taste and energy admitted (TEA) is mostly used beverage all over the world, Its originated in Yunnan  china, then started spreading all over the world span of thousands of the years.

"I always fear that creation will expire before tea time" 
                                                  -Rev Sydney smith

    Because tea contains caffeine which makes mental alertness, readiness, also increases body performance
I hope it is good to know benefits of tea and their complication on body

Increases lean muscle mass :-

        Drinking tea increases the testosterone hormone level in human body and improves the performance of workout at gym also inducing muscle growth, Both green tea and black tea burns body excess fat and eliminates unwanted low density lypoprotein (LDL) and reduces the cholesterol level which makes many cardiac problems (IHD, CAD) by obstructing blood flow of vessels which supplies nutrients and oxygen to heart muscles, by doing this it makes you to get lean muscle mass with great body shape, green tea is more helpful than black tea to burn excess fat also to drink regular basis to get a better result combination with regular workout
       The caffeine which presents in tea is mostly affects on central nervous system, it increases the firing of neurons and stimulating the pituitary gland to release more adrenaline into bloodstream which produces the feel like energized  and makes you to spend more time on workout by improving your endurance exercise performance, When you spend more time on workout automatically your muscles start to grow and gets much stamina
       It also increases your exercise performance by releasing fatty acids on your blood stream , which gets used as energy source during exercise for a long time without muscle exhaustion .

Brings you glowing skin :-

     Tea has many numerous benefits on skin, whether you apply topically or intake it orally, it improves your skin beauty by its rich anti-oxidant properties, Tea has anti-oxidants, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties, can be used by combining this with other skin care products, It helps to penetrate cosmetics to deep inside of the skin and improves skin texture, appearance and function, its protects skin from harmful races (UV,Gamma,X,etc..) of environment which causes major damages to the skin.
Tea contains many contents like protective anti-oxidants, vitamins and phytochemicals, the most important is vitamin-C, vitamin-E, Carotenoids, Flavonoids,
Vitamin-C makes lighter and brighter skin by producing more melanin pigments and reduces wrinkles,
Vitamin-E is the excellent anti-oxidant which reduces the free radicals from skin which makes skin to look older
   Carotenoids prevents harmful effects of UV rays, main good effect of tea on body is anti-cancer causing properties which prevents skin cancer by eliminating free radicals

Reduces tension:-

      "while there's tea there's hope"     - sir Arthur Pinero

        In this busy world people use to be tensed always , because much of workload ,Social issues and family problems, nowadays youngers are in more risk of high blood pressure, Drinking tea in a regular basis reduces the risk of high blood pressure
       Tea has a immediate effect of increasing blood pressure on human body but it never stays for a longer time, it makes you to get high Bp for half an hour, then it has long term effect of reducing BP in a moderate level, people who drink two cups of tea daily makes them 45% reduced risk of high Blood pressure

Prevent Hair loss:-

       As there are so many advantages of tea we have seen previously, one more is preventing hair loss, it was believed that catechins presents in tea had 5-alpha-reductase inhibiting properties which means blocking DHT (Dihydrostestostorone) which causes hair loss in men and woman, also studies shown that anti-inflammatory properties of tea stimulates hair growth, the major reason of hair loss is stress, tea reduces stress and makes your hair not to fall down and keeps it on your head by having tea relaxed,
Interestingly, the resent studies made on tea shows that tea doesn't stop hair loss by blocking DHT, Because hair loss could be caused genetically , so tea has no magic power to prevent hair loss, but its true its reducing stress and prevents stress induced hair loss, but its not proven to prevent hair loss and improve hair growth on human body , so don't be expecting any miracle.

Drinking tea really bad ?

       Even though drinking little will not make any major problems drinking frequently and drinking large amounts will make many problems to our body as follows

I) Fluoride is the chemical which is used in public water tanks in a small quantity for dental health, tea leaves also contain fluoride  usually high concentration of fluoride presents in a matured leaves which is there at bottom, machines cut all the leaves together and make combined, through drinking tea higher concentration of fluoride used by the people, higher concentration of fluoride intake has the risk of osteofluorosis (disturbance of bones caused by fluorine) in humans

II) As tea contains some amount of aluminium, it also causes major neural diseases, Same like fluoride aluminum presents in a higher concentration on old leaves, younger leaves contain minimal quantity of aluminium, unlike earlier days people are not reaping it by hand, so unfortunately it comes as mixed and makes trouble to human health, higher concentration of aluminum intake increases the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease (loss of memory which couldn't be reverted with normal medical treatment) on humans.

III) Also tea contains oxolates which makes kidney stones by binding with free calcium and also binding with minerals, It stays at kidney not eliminated through urine, the day passes it makes trouble and disturbances by causing stones in kidney, there is difference between gall bladder stones and kidney stones, gall bladder stones can be removed easily thorough non invasive laproscopic procedure

IV) One more thing is Esophagus cancer, Esophagus is made up of soft tissues which doesn't have cartilages unlike trachea (wind pipe), if you drink tea too hot it makes cells to go necrosis and form free radicals and also starts to grow as a cancer cells and causing esophageal cancer

V) Tea is harmful for teeth and gum's, if one drinks tea too hot it makes to lose the strength of teeth and gum's, also tea stains teeth and making it decayed, makes smells bad end up with decayed tooth.

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Top five health benefits of olive oil

            I was using many oils except olive oil, but when I started to write article about olive oil, I just wondered that olive oil is sufficient for a healthier life to live longer as much we want, there is a woman who is still living at her age of 122 years with youthful glowing skin named Jeanne Calment, these credits only from her daily consumption of olive oil also she uses topically, Most recently, Sophia Loren, who is still being named as “most beautiful” woman at her 70s, only credits to her olive oil baths and consumption, Also there is a proof from bible that the Persian king Xerxes wives were using olive oil to make their appearance beautiful,

1.Get Beautiful skin unlike others

    Clean and sensitive shiny skin :The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans had no soap to take bath, instead they were using olive oil, they massaged it all over the body and skin, after leaving it for sometime they took bath, By doing so it removes not only the dirt from skin, also removes the dead cells and prevents skin from becoming dull, also it can be used as moisturizer(after shower lotion) on body , face, hands, Antioxidant properties of olive oil prevents the cells from oxidizing which makes your skin to look            (premature ageing)older prematurely

    Make your lips look beauty : Lips becomes too hard and dry also white during seasonal changes, most of the people go for petroleum jelly to get rid of this, here is the option who tends to use natural remedies for this, by combining olive oil with equal parts of  beeswax ( a wax secreted by bees from which they make honeycomb) and make it like a cream, put into a small glass jar and apply it on your lips for healthy and beautiful lips.

    Make your feet smooth and soft : Feet becomes rough and dry during deregulation of body temperature and also changes in environmental temperature changes, to get rid of dry feet with broken skin, make your own foot cream by combining olive oil and honey,  a third part sugar and dash of lemon juice, After soaking feet in a warm water massage with this cream and wash it to get smooth and soft feet

    Removes sunburn : Harmful races from sun (UV, Gamma ,etc..) causes sunburns on skin, which makes skin black and reddish also with pain, Instead of using chemical moisturizers , Use olive oil diluted with plain water  on the surfaces of the sunburn as natural remedy which gives massive improvement.

    Cure acne: Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease caused by inflammatory or non inflammatory response of the body (pimples , black heads ,etc..) , cure acne by using olive oil with salt scrub , one of the beauty secrets of Cleopatra was Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) to get clear skin

2.Healthier hair :-
        Hair is the natural crown of human body, in  ancient times cosmetic products weren’t there to make beauty hair, but ancient beauties were the real beauties of the world , because they were using olive oil to tame and beautify their locks, the ancient beauties and warriors hair were strong and more flexible comparatively

    prevent dry scalp : Dry scalp makes hair to lose their grip and makes to fall, also creates dandruff all over the scalp, instead of trying  chemicals use olive oil for a better results , it moisturizes the scalp by conditioning dry scalp, mix used coffee grounds and olive oil, rub and apply it for sometime before you shampoo your hair, this will condition your hair and help to get rid of dry scalp

    Improve memory power : Lots of people struggles with the memory loss, this is the major problem for children’s, children’s while studying for exams and seminars use to struggle lot, because couldn’t remember things what they have studied , also adults with memory loss diseases (dementia ), It is proven that olive oil can prevent and possibly reverse the memory loss, event the major problems like Alzheimer’s disease (most common form of dementia, there is no cure for this disease) can be reverted through olive oil

    Kill lice : lice are small wingless insects created only by god with unknown reason, it scratches head and makes us irritable , mostly children’s struggles with lice, it lays lot of eggs within few days of occupying place in you scalp, There is a step by step procedure to get rid from lice, warm a quarter  cup of olive oil to a comfortable temperature, then work it through your hair till the deep roots, after leaving it for sometime  then comb with tight plastic lice comb and get a better result you ever seen

    Get a black hair : a premature graying of hair is a condition where the scalp losses the coloring agents (pigments), Extra Virgin Olive Oil ( non refined oil, which taken by crushing the seed directly) contains pigments, when you start to use EVOO on your locks, hair gets gradual darkening process and gets reverted within some months, Instead of using harsh chemicals and damaging your hair condition, get a healthy black and conditioned strong hair by using olive oil , also can use olive oil with hair care products to spread more even throughout scalp,

3.Prevent cancer: 
     Cancer known as malignant neoplasm, involving unregulated cell growth, cell divide and grow uncontrollably, there are  many causes of cancer, including using tobacco (smoking), excess radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants
       The phytonutrients of olive oil oleocanthal mimics the effect of ibuprofen( anti –inflammatory) in reducing inflammation, which can reduce the risk of breast cancer mainly and its recurrence , worldwide breast cancer accounts for 22.9% of all cancers, breast cancer cause 458,503 deaths worldwide last year, squalene and lignans are among the other olive oil components being studied fro their possible effects of controlling cancer cells,
       The contents of antioxidants in olive oil reduce the skin cancer massively, it stops the oxidative process (cell damage ) of the cells, which makes the cells to lose their original size and quality , Even dangerous skin cancers like malignant melanoma also prevented by olive oil in a many studies,
       As extra virgin olive oil reduces the fat in the body, it also reduces the risk of fat emboli, also prevents cancer causing cells from the excess fat and controls the obesity, Olive oil containing diet prevents many types of cancers and make people to live longer by Mediterranean diet,.

4.Healthy heart : 
      Human heart pumps 5 liters of blood in every minute, heart contracts 1,00,000 times per day, It weighs just 300 grams but the work load is more than that, when excess fat occluding small blood vessels which supplying oxygen and nutrients to heart muscles gets cessation and stops the work of heart ( heart attack)
       Olive oil contain polyphenals, which helps body to reduce HDL( high density lipids) bad fats and increases the LDL (Low density lipids) good fats level , it also makes you sated and tends to make you eat less
      Olive oil prevents heart attack by 82% also removes sedimentation of nicotine’s which may stop supplying of blood to heart muscles by occluding small blood vessels , mainly olive oil makes arteries more elastic and flexible which lowers the normal ageing of heart,
       Reduces the risk of coronary heart diseases, coronary arteries are the nutrients supplier to the heart, which make heart to live by supplying oxygen and nutrition, According to some theories it also reduces the blood pressure and anxiety

5.Healthy Relationship: 
     As there is multiple benefits of olive oil, One of among its main contribution is Relationship, In this last case Relationship as direct relation to the blood irrigation, to achieve excitement what does the penis erection involve as well as the suitable vaginal lubrication,
    Any element favoring an appropriate functioning of the vascular system is going to be reflected in the Relationship and it is there where the olive oil begins working,
    such benefits is achieved by contents of olive oil as it contains vitamin E which makes the cells to glow.

     Its not finished here,it prevents Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.. 
Tell now which oil you gonna use hereafter, share your experience and opinions about olive oil

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Is smoking really injurious to health?

     “The only time I really think is when I smoke, and I quit smoking years ago.”     -                                                         Jarod Kintz,

   There are vast range of smokers present in our society, In US and Australia has reduced rate of smokers unlike India, I have seen many children's addicted to smoke,also seen many people who smoke before they go to gym, reason, they doesn't know what will be the outcome

Average:  All over the world 12,000 (1.2 billion) crores people are smokers, Approximately in India there are 12 crores people are smokers currently,
         According to World Health Organization (WHO) in every 10 minutes one smoker dies, In India 900,000 smokers die per year
Because:  As many smokers doesn't have idea of one cigarette contains 7000 injurious chemicals and 170 poisonous gases and cancer causing agents,

During exercise:  Carbon monoxide (CO) Restricts the oxygen entering into blood, this reduces the oxygen supply to the muscles, Generally during exercise body needs more oxygen than normal, this increases the work load of heart to pump fast and supply oxygen , since heart rate increases body gets exhausted during exercise very soon, also this reduces the stamina and affects muscle growth in massive effect

In weight lifting:  Weight lifters mainly required strong bone, smoking will stop supplying Calcium and Vitamin-D to bone and reduces the bone mass, during training or at competition fractures may happen mainly in some specific parts (Hip, Lumbar spine, Fore arm).

Age difference :   Affects the skin mainly in two ways,
  1.  Reducing hydration of skin and making skin to look dry
  2.  Restricts the blood to supply oxygen and nutrients to the skin
       Reducing vitamin-A which protects the skin against many external damages, huge secreting of enzymes will break the protein in massive level, causing skin to lose its elasticity and look older from 10 to 20 years, Even though its irreversible smoking cessation will stop further major problems

Shapeless body:  Smoking cessation will cause weight gain about 5 to 7 kgs by increasing the body metabolism, nicotine has the appetite suppressant effect, when nicotine level comes down from body getting more appetite and gaining fat, but gaining fat in unwanted places will make body unshaped

Affect nerves:  Signals and stimulation's are transmitted from brain via nerves, smoking affects nerve cell production and losses their grip and starting to tremor all over the body in a small age group itself, affects brains concentration, activity and makes psychological issues

Sexual problems:  Smoking affects men penis in a two ways, It constricts all the blood vessels and restricts the blood flow to the penis and causes impotence, secondly endothelial dysfunction which makes stagnant of the waste chemical reactive products and affects the cells, Also smoking reduces level of  testerone hormone and affects the sperm production in  massive level

Environment:  Smoking not only affecting who smoke and also gives harm to who stands near by a smoker (passive smoker ), Atmosphere gets oxygen by trees and greens , carbon monoxide affects the leaf of trees and makes it decayed,
     “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times.”                                                                                                           ― Mark Twain
Main needs to start smoking,
      1.  Hungry : there is no time to take food in this busy life, to feel energized within few minutes starting to smoke 
      2.  Angry :  To relieve uncontrollable angry which caused by some reasons
      3.  Loneliness :  Separated by this society or family when a person feels  ‘’I am lonely’’ starts smoking                  
      4.  Tired:  Getting tiredness because malnutrition, work load, or some other few reasons, to relieve this and to get pleasure feel smoking
      Other than this smoking can become habitual

Cessation techniques:  Stop smoking by finding your main needs as we seen previously, and making it fulfilled by natural way,
   Other smoking cessation to prevent nicotine withdrawal syndrome
1.  Trans dermal nicotine patches
2.  Nicotine gum
3.  Lozenges
4.  Nicotine sprays
5.  Inhalers
    Those things taken to the alteration method for smoking, its getting mixed in blood and gives the pleasure as smoking by titrating your nicotine intake level and get better health

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Is drinking alcohol is bad ?

          Even though consuming little will not make any major problem, drinking daily or weekly 3 to 4 times will cause severe trouble
      When there is some problem in our health or when we are trying to keep our body with shape, drinking little also will make major problems

Is it good to take alcohol while taking some medicine?
    ‘Don’t drink alcohol when you take medicines’ advise from doctors,

Reason, Mainly
 1.Brain can’t concentrate
 2.Body pushed to sleep and drowsy
   Because of these two reasons brain signals will not be proper,
Secondly, whatever we eat everything gets break down in liver and nutrients get absorbed into blood, when we take alcohol liver gets damaged and cant utilize the medicine (e.g. Medicines For Epilepsy )

Alcohol and Antibiotics:  It’s better to avoid alcohol when taking antibiotics, because some antibiotics causes
     3.Tachycardia (Increased Heart rate )
     4.Breathing difficulty
(e.g. Metronidazole, Tinidazole, Penicillin, Amoxicillin )

Statins and alcohol: Statins are the medicines which taken to reduces the cholesterol in blood
According to NHS there is no effect on statins by alcohol

Benefits of Alcohol:  Before inventing sedation ,Doctors were used alcohol to sedate the patients before the surgery said by professor Wallace, But there is no proof of getting better health condition by alcohol

During Exercise:  During fat burning consuming alcohol will lower the fat burning , and all of body concentrating on alcohol to push it out, so other body functions getting ceased

Affects the hormones: It stops muscle growth, Causes disturbed sleep, During deep sleep body secretes growth hormones and testerones,  When sleep gets disturbed these hormones getting ceased secreting.

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Top 10 Health Benefits of Dates

      Initially  Worlds ancient culture  mesadonia were using Dates,  Dates captured the strong place in Historical records of Egypt pyramids, Greek , Roman, Palestine , For the last 300 years Dates are used all over the world as a Nourishing fruit.

Benefits:  Dates has a vast Range of Health benefits to Human body, As it contains lot of nourishing nutrients like vitamin, mineral, fiber , iron , protein, and many more, by consuming it causes good health benefits as follows,

        1.Dates are the Natural medicine to increase massive  production of Blood, As it contains rich contents of iron , Vitamin A1 , C, B1, B2, B3, And along with B5, It improves the muscle growth, and Boosts up the stamina ,So from children’s to  Old age people everyone can consume it.

      2.As it contains Soluble and insoluble fiber it improves the digestive system, By consuming  3 dates and drinking hot water daily at night before sleep  can get rid of constipation
      3.Daily consumption can improve the function of the heart, Dates helps in  reducing LDL cholesterol , and also strengthening of heart muscles
     4.Daily consumption can help to get rid of Anaemia , It prevents from massive bleeding by normalising coagulant factors ( platelets) , And also it increases Red Blood Cells Which carries the Oxygen to the tissues to burn energy and also  improves the immunity

    5.Dates are rich in potassium and lower in  sodium, The researchers says consuming dates can reduce the risk of stroke, And  improves the function and structure of nervous system, and also stabilizing heart rate

    6.When dates are consumed with milk it gives more energy as it contains sucrose, calcium strengthens bones, and also it helps to gain weight by consuming regular basis
    7.Dates also helps to get rid of teeth decay and yellow discolorations by its content of fluorine, for more information see how to get white teeth ,

    8.Also improves the eye sight ,and prevents evening blindness, its excellent for alcohol intoxication, increases the sperm production and stamina to have a longlost sex

    9.As It prevents from free radicals there are chance to prevent and cure cancer

   10.During teeth growth for kids they may have stomach upset and pain, it will get better when giving hand full of boiled dates three times a day

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Dumping food will make your baby dump

‘’You are pregnant’’ , 
     You have to double your diet for the growth of the ‘fetus’, This is usual advice given to the pregnant mother by the experienced ones,''No , Shouldn't eat like this'' , Says Dr. Lesley McGowan
    This is the main reason for Childhood Obesity after delivery, which causes more dangerous issues during delivery to the mother and also the life of the kids,

Main Complications of Childhood Obesity:

   1.Type 2 diabetes
   2.Metabolic Syndrome
   3.High cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
   4.Asthma and Other breathing problems
   5.Sleep Disorders (OHA)
   6.Early puberty and menstruation
   7.Low self -Esteem and  Bullying
   8.Behaviour and learning problems

   Massive Obese parturient  which struggles to come out needs cesarean, Also the mother who had cesarean procedure getting severe postnatal problems, mainly
  wound Complications,
  Massive accumulation of fat in abdomen wall

  To prevent these problems supposed to control diet by following pregnancy diet, 
Nowadays 74% of ladies eating more during pregnancy,

  Can do Postnatal exercise according to the physicians and Physiotherapist advice To burn the belly fat after delivery

  Also increase weight during pregnancy according to physician advice.

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