Saturday, August 10, 2013

Health benefits of Ghee

       Ghee is composed almost entirely of saturated fat. When cooking, it can be unhealthy to heat polyunsaturated oils such as vegetable oils to high temperatures. Doing so creates peroxides and other free radicals. Ghee has a very high smoke point and doesn't burn easily during cooking. Ghee has stable saturated bonds and so it lot less likely to form the dangerous free radicals when cooking. Ghee’s short chain of fatty acids is also metabolized very readily by the body.
        *Add pure ghee in daily diet If you really don’t have any health issues, the study has revealed body is good for health.
Too much of ghee is generally harmful to the body people say, but, if pure ghee added in daily diet to the people who don’t have any health risks is good for health study has revealed. People with cardiovascular disease risk and obese shouldn't have ghee in their daily diet, it will increase the cholesterol level in their body and cause many health issues for that reason they should try to avoid ghee from their diet; at the mean time if nothing prevalence without any fear in their daily diet can include pure ghee,
         American University had done a study over the people who add pure ghee in their diet and reported the benefits, Adding ghee everyday is good to lead protected health and to make brain sharp, out the bad nutrients in the body, increase eye view, and ghee helps to strengthen muscles
        1. Clean ghee is better than well melted butter since fat in ghee is low; it helps to speed up the digestion.
        2.  No need to keep the ghee in refrigerator, if it is kept outside for a longer time it will ever go decayed. So, there will not be any change in the condition of pure ghee.
        3.     Eat ghee to promote the activity of the brain. Promoting digestion of the food that we take also helps to keep body weight in a balanced level.

         4. Since ghee has Vitamin A, D, E, and K which improve blood circulation in the body and clean the blood.
         5. Physical activity needs some fat. You can get it by eating ghee, many study said in a statement.

        Keep in mind, that we are only attaching these benefits to pure homemade ghee made with zero preservative or vegetable fats. Store-bought ghee or ghee prepared with any artificial methods will not fit in the same category as pure ghee.

In Ayurveda:-

       It plays an important role in Ayurvedic and Yoga. Long a favorite of Yoga practitioners, ghee lubricates the connective tissues and promotes flexibility, says Dr. Vasant Lad, director of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Traditionally, the preparation has been used to promote memory, intelligence, quantity and quality of semen, and to enhance digestion. Modern science tells us that ghee also harbors phenolic antioxidants, which bolster the immune system.

       Even better than ghee is aged ghee-up to 100 years – which treats alcoholism, epilepsy, fever, and vaginal pain, according to Ayurvedic physician Robert Svoboda. Ayurvedic beauty expert Pratima Raichur suggests it as a massage base to calm sensitive Pitta-type skin. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Top health benefits of Blackberry

     BLACKBERRY fruit is perfect medicine for diabetic patients, Blackberry tree is hailed as a great tree compare to all sorts of trees in the world, Blackberry fruit tree’s leaf, bark and seeds have medicinal properties that all, fruit has different varieties of nicknames like jambul and has many medicinal properties,

*This fruit come in two models,
        Type one pellet, the other model is long.

Helps to dissolve kidney stones:-
         Larger in length has sweet taste than pellet. Pellet with medical nature, BLACKBERRY is natural medicine for various diseases. It helps to Brass alleviate, cure constipation, heart will run smoothly, Curing anemia, Redressal of kidney pain, Dissolve kidney stones, and this fruit helps to fix defects on spleen, eat the fruit to prevent diabetes in the diabetes control. Liver diseases, such as ulcerative can ease. There is a glycosides called jumbo line in the seed of Blackberry; it prevents the operation of changing starch to glucose into the body.

Cures diabetes:-
          Some patients with diabetes, frequent urine exits. They should take demolished fruit seeds per one gram of the powder daily for morning, evening and mixed with water to drink. Doing so will help to get rid of this problem. Blackberry juice consumed daily without fail three times a day helps to reduce the amount of sugar to ten percent in diabetic patients within 15 days, can be controlled completely within three months.

Best for exercise:-
          Galactic Research Institute of New Zealand plant scientist in the group led by Roger Hurst, BLACKBERRY did extensive research on the benefits provided to human body. Following 10 people were given juice and a variety of Blackberry experiments, before exercise and after taking only a few drops of juice made them to skip most of the muscle damages, muscle cramps, pressure does not occur, In addition, after exercise there was no pain even little bit.

Add one more in your family:-
          Infertility in women of child recovery demand for vitamin E, Blackberry tree leaf juice mixed with honey or butter if it'll get rid of infertility. Demolished Blackberry tree leaves three in the morning mixed with yogurt and having it for three months without fail will definitely help to get rid of infertility and create beautiful baby for your family.

Makes Pleasure feel:-
          Blackberry fruit which gives happiness generally good to be grown at home, but the house is on the up, reared on farms, beetles are a lot of trees in search of novel theme. Even lots of snakes like to keep their nest at like this theme, amplitude that can emerge from the tree, like the cooling of the air to attract them, So in this makes people thinks lot to grow in houses, farms, garden which are presents near living place of them, well he air which come by this tree provide happiness to human beings.

Availability of blackberry:-
          Take a leaves of Blackberry and after crushing it take a teaspoon amount to eat. Morning, evening, eating two, maybe 3 days to control diarrhea. If you continue to eat fruits Blackberry intestine and gastric strengthens also the muscles of the heart. Many towns don’t have Blackberry trees, only in places where people do not be around. In commercial, not forming this one, this fruit is scarce availability. The price is so abundantly.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Green must be the formula of body !

           We know that the needs of all people in the world is food, The  source from which  plants get food are sand, wind, and water,  but animals depend upon plant and plant eating small animals, where as human beings depend upon cultivated plants and some domestic animals. Food habits of human beings vary according to their believes and cultures. 

           Based on food what we eat, will provide nutrition and energy to work. Only energy providing foods is not sufficient, we also need food which is rich in vitamins and minerals. This type of food helps to prevent many diseases and improves our immune power. A balanced diet is rich in protein, fat, Vitamins and minerals which is essential in our day to day life.

      An individual has to eat 125 grams of green, 75 grams of vegetables daily. Rice and Dhal is rich in carbohydrates and protein. We can see many people with the deficiency of vitamins around us, mainly children and pregnant woman. We are in a situation to increase the production of green to get rid of vitamin deficiencies.

     It is very easy to increase the production of Green all over the world.  We can Farm green in any season and harvest it within a short period of time which helps us in. When green cultivation is compared with other grains it is eight times higher. According to this, in a year, green cultivation will reach almost the highest place in agriculture. As green ranks high in production it should be ranking first in the life of every individual to meet their needs with a balanced diet.

     There are different varieties of green. We can take it regularly according to our taste and availability. Green is a mixture of Vitamins A, B, C and calcium and iron. It is better to eat greens and very cheap instead buying medicines with the bitter taste and expensive. Green has to occupy special place in daily intake. In many civilized countries people are taking green regularly with their daily intake; even they take raw green without boiling it, though they are one step above compared with other people. 

      When we cook green most of the vitamins and minerals get vanished, we need to take action right now and cultivate more green to prevent food famine and shortage of food in many countries. We shouldn't think that there is not enough nutrients in Green because it’s very cheap compared with other fruits and vegetables, for example amount of Vitamin A contents present in one kg of green are equal to 70 kilograms of banana. Also we need to consume 115 apples to get calcium contents of one kilogram green.

      There are limitless ingredients presents in green which we can’t be even compared with other fruits and vegetables, from this we are coming to know that how much it’s important to take green with our regular daily intake. We have to learn to eat more raw greens. Raw greens are very helpful to increase the production of blood and to increase coagulation factors in blood volume. Calcium is very useful to make heart to contract properly; Calcium is highly needed for growing children, pregnant woman.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

Skin tags and mole can be removed easily through Natural technique !

We are all heard about mole on skin surface,
But what is skin tag ?
     It is nothing but a small tag of skin which may have a peduncle (stalk) – they look like a small piece of soft, hanging skin. They can appear on any part of the surface of the body (skin), but most typically exist in areas where skin may rub against skin, such as the:

1. Eyelids
2. Axillae
3. Under the breast or chest
4. Groin
5. Neck

What actually causes this?

Skin tags are very common and generally occur after middle ages. They are said to be caused by bunches of collagen and blood vessels which are trapped inside thicker bits of skin. They are believed to be the result of skin rubbing against skin which we already discussed. That is why they are generally found in skin creases and folds.
Mainly these people most affected
1. people who are overweight and obese, because they have more skin folds because of excess fat.
2. why pregnant woman gets this, because of hormones secreted during
3. Most likely diabetes people gets this
4. High doses of steroid also can cause this, mostly because of Anabolic steroid for bodybuilders.

Three Herbal Treatments to remove skin tags that actually work:-

        I could go over the typical remove a skin with duct tape or fingernail polish and they do work but can be painful. Instead, in this article I am going to focus on herbal remedies to treat skin tags. The upside to herbal remedies is that they are less invasive than other "fast" remedies. The downside is that they take a little more time and consistency in order for them to work....

1. Tea Tree Oil:-
      Tea tree oil works very well for removing skin tags as well as moles. In fact, tea tree oil is used on various skin disorders. To use this all you need is a little tea tree oil and a cotton ball. Soak the cotton ball in the oil and apply it directly to the affected area. Do this once or twice daily for up to 4 weeks or until the skin tag vanishes.

2. Castor Oil:-
      Most of you are too young to remember castor oil but this oil was used on a wide variety of common ailments and can be taken both internally and externally. The good news is that you will be using castor oil as an external ointment (I still shudder whenever I think of drinking that stuff). Here is what you will do. Take a little baking soda and mix it with the castor oil to create a paste. I suggest you add some citrus oil as it will stink to high heaven. Apply it to the affected area and cover with a band-aid. The typical time it will take is 2-4 weeks before the skin tag vanishes.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar:-
      Apple cider vinegar works very well for removing skin tags and the good news is that you can buy it in a grocery store for fairly cheap. Just like tea tree oil, you simply dab some of it on a q-tip or cotton ball and apply it directly to the skin tag. Unlike the tea tree oil, Apple Cider vinegar may cause a stinging sensation for a couple minutes after being applied. Typical time until the skin tag vanishes?....2-4 weeks.

      Those are just 3 herbal treatments that you can use to remove skin tags. If you don't mind waiting a couple weeks and can discipline yourself to treating the skin tag at least once a day, then these will naturally treat your skin tags from your home.

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tomato juice is a post workout energy drink !

         Drinking energy drink after workout is usual, there are many variety of energy drinks products available in the market, there is wonderful natural drink which can be made easily at home, it’s nothing but tomato juice, many new studies are proving that tomato juice is very beneficial if taken post workout.
         Workout is not only for athletes, it is very important for each and every person to do some workouts at home or in gym, to provide post workout energy to body, i mean to make relaxation of muscles after tightening it, to make better circulation again to the normal range tomato juice is the better choice.
         The study done in Greece with fifteen bodybuilders shown that tomato juice is provider of instant energy. Also this study proven that glucose level in body gets normalized immediately after drinking tomato juice for post workout athletes.
          The organic compound “lycopene” which presents in tomato gives red color to it, All kind of Red colored fruits is very good for health, tomato is rich in many vitamins also it helps to prevent cancer and many diseases, Some bad hormones are resisting muscle growth and brain growth, when those hormones are secreted much  in body tomato is capable of reduce the level of those hormones to normal range, Various studies are proving that tomato is a good anti-oxidant thus reducing free radical in the body.

Is it good to add tomato juice in daily regular diet?
         Yes it is good, It is an easily available, affordable, natural and nutritional fruit. We can use tomatoes in many ways according to our choices, we can use raw tomato as vegetables while making food, make fried tomato chips, tomato soup which can be made easily at home or available in ready made packaged form in market, also can make as juice and drink.
        The tomato is now grown and eaten around the world, it is used in diverse ways, including raw in salads, and processed into ketchup or tomato soup. Unripe green tomatoes can also be breaded and fried, used to make salsa, or pickled. Tomato juice is sold as a drink, and is used in cocktails such as the Bloody Mary. Tomatoes are acidic, making them especially easy ot preserve in home canning whole, in pieces as tomato sauce or paste. The fruit is  also preserved by drying, often in the sun, and sold either in bags or in jars with oil.
        Tomatoes are used extensively in Mediterranean cuisine, especially Italian and Middle Eastern cuisines. They are a key ingredient in Pizza, and are commonly used in pasta sauces. They are also used Gazpacho (Spanish cuisine).

Nutritional Value per 100 g Raw tomato

Energy                     -            74 KJ (18 kcal)
Carbohydrates         -            3.9 g
Sugars                     -            2.6 g
dietary Fiber            -            1.2 g
Fat                           -           0.2 g
Protein                     -            0.9g
Water                      -            94.5 g
Vitamin A equiv.       -           42 µg (5%)
Vitamin C                 -           14 mg(17%)
Vitamin E                  -          0.54 mg (4%)
Potassium                 -           237 mg (5%)
Source: USDA Nutrients Database

        Tomato contain the carotene lycopene, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. In some studies, lycopene, especially in cooked tomatoes, has been found to help prevent prostate cancer, but other research contradicts this claim. Lycopened has also been shown to improve skin’s ability to protect against UV rays.

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