We know that the needs of all people in the world is food, The
source from which plants get food are sand, wind, and water,
but animals depend upon plant and plant eating small animals, where as
human beings depend upon cultivated plants and some domestic animals. Food
habits of human beings vary according to their believes and cultures.
Based on food what we eat, will provide nutrition and energy to
work. Only energy providing foods is not sufficient, we also need food which is
rich in vitamins and minerals. This type of food helps to prevent many diseases
and improves our immune power. A balanced diet is rich in protein, fat,
Vitamins and minerals which is essential in our day to day life.
An individual has to eat 125 grams of green, 75 grams of
vegetables daily. Rice and Dhal is rich in carbohydrates and protein. We can
see many people with the deficiency of vitamins around us, mainly children and
pregnant woman. We are in a situation to increase the production of green to
get rid of vitamin deficiencies.
It is very easy to increase the production of Green all over the
world. We can Farm green in any season and harvest it within a short
period of time which helps us in. When green cultivation is compared with other
grains it is eight times higher. According to this, in a year, green
cultivation will reach almost the highest place in agriculture. As green ranks
high in production it should be ranking first in the life of every individual
to meet their needs with a balanced diet.
There are different varieties of green. We can take it regularly
according to our taste and availability. Green is a mixture of Vitamins A, B, C
and calcium and iron. It is better to eat greens and very cheap instead buying
medicines with the bitter taste and expensive. Green has to occupy special
place in daily intake. In many civilized countries people are taking green
regularly with their daily intake; even they take raw green without boiling it,
though they are one step above compared with other people.
When we cook green
most of the vitamins and minerals get vanished, we need to take action right
now and cultivate more green to prevent food famine and shortage of food in
many countries. We shouldn't think that there is not enough nutrients in Green
because it’s very cheap compared with other fruits and vegetables, for example
amount of Vitamin A contents present in one kg of green are equal to 70
kilograms of banana. Also we need to consume 115 apples to get calcium contents
of one kilogram green.
There are limitless ingredients presents in green which we can’t
be even compared with other fruits and vegetables, from this we are coming to
know that how much it’s important to take green with our regular daily intake. We have to learn to eat more raw greens. Raw greens
are very helpful to increase the production of blood and to increase
coagulation factors in blood volume. Calcium is very useful to make heart to
contract properly; Calcium is highly needed for growing children, pregnant
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